Title : WORK CONSUME DIE / Genre: Live performance/Installation
Production: Lernlabor
Music: Tidiane Cacique - George Adje / Instatllation: Tina Kikalishvili - David Apakidze
Release date: 19th of January 2022

”You can buy everything! Just make a wish, click, give us your money, and we will deliver right to your door. For the right price, you can be anyone you want: celebrate your body, fine-tune your personality, and likes and comments are almost guaranteed.
Did you buy it? What values do you stand for? – In today's world no one cares how you look or how much money you have - education will open all doors to you. Don’t worry about what other people think about you; you can rule your world!
But - wait - do you think you can attract anyone with your education? The One might be impressed by your wits on the first date, but on the second you’d better show your big dick - on the other hand, a brand new car will work just as well. By the way, if you do have a big dick or great tits, we’ll give you a discount on a Tesla car and on every Amazon purchase. Just leave us a comment with your OnlyFans nickname.
Is the Tesla still fueling your desires or have you fallen in love with some new rebellion? Go vegan then, use eco-friendly brands and post about it, we want to know what your underwear is made of. Be unique, get some piercings, and maybe some tattoos– be colorful, be positive… be yourself!
Remember, you live in a simulated reality, objects you're attached to cannot define you. Do you think you’re consuming the world? – No, you are the product, you are the one being consumed.




Drony Pony